Net OPerating After Tax (NOPAT)= EBIT x ( 1 - T)
Operating Cash FLow (OCF) = NOPAT + Depreciation
OCF = [EBIT x (1-T)] + Depreciation
Free Cash Flow (FCF) = OCF - NFAI - NCAI
NFAI = Change In Net Fixed Assets + Depreciation
NCAI = Change In Current Assets - Change In Account Payable and Accruals
This FCF can be used to pay it`s Creditors and Equity Holders.
EBIT = 2700 USD
Tax = 40%
Depreciation = 1600 USD
Change In Fixed Assets = [15.000-14.800] = 200
Change In Current Assets = [ 1600-1500] = 100
Change In A/P and Accruals = [300-200] =100
dit :
a. OCF ?
= [2700 (1 - 0,4)] + 1600 = 3220 USD
b. CF from Operation ?
= 1400 +1600= 3000
c. NOPAT ?
= 2700 x (1-0,4) = 1620
d. FCF ?
= 3220 - [ (15.000-14.800)+1600] - [(1600-1500) - (300-200)]
= 3220 -1400 - 0
= 1820
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